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LuaTeX is a TeX-based computer typesetting system which is an extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an embedded scripting language


LuaTeX is a TeX-based computer typesetting system which is an extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an embedded scripting language.

From the user perspective we have pdfTeX as stable and more or less frozen 8 bit engine, XeTeX as unicode input and font aware engine using libraries for font handling, and LuaTeX as engine that is programmable and delegates as much as possible to Lua, with the objective to keep the core engine lean and mean. Each engine has its benefits and drawbacks ( more details here ). - Official website

See XeTeX, LuaTeX.

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System Requirements

Not available, but we appreciate help! You can help us improve this page.


Not available, but we appreciate help! You can help us improve this page.


Taco Hoekwater, Hartmut Henkel, Hans Hagen, Other contributors

Written in

Lua, C

Initial Release

Not available, but we appreciate help! You can help us improve this page.




This page was last updated with commit: Following: - Fixed: missing sources for features now added - Removed: Google Analytics Async (deprecated) - Added: missing aria-labels to input elements - Updated: partials/seo.html code for new data structure - Fixed: changed aria-label to title for span and divs - Fixed: color of status icon on softpages not appearing correctly (5221a6e)