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Torch is a machine learning library and scientific computing framework for LuaJIT


Torch is a scientific computing framework with support for machine learning algorithms. It provides N-dimensional arrays, with support for routines for indexing, slicing, transposing, etc.

Torch puts GPU first. It has an interface to C via LuaJIT, linear algebra & numeric optimization routines, neural network and energy-based models. It is embeddable, with ports to iOS and Android backends.

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System Requirements

1NVIDIA® CUDA® 7.5 or newer (For Pascal GPUs, CUDA 8.0 or newer)
2cuDNN v5.0 or newer
3Ubuntu 14.x or newer (or any 64-bit Linux if you choose to build from source)


Not available, but we appreciate help! You can help us improve this page.


Ronan Collobert(OD), Koray Kavukcuoglu(OD), Clement Farabet(OD), Soumith Chintala, Other contributors

Written in

Lua, C, LuaJIT, CUDA, C++

Initial Release

October 2002


  • Torch is not in active development. Check out actively maintained ATen (which is part of PyTorch).

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