
A library for data mining, machine learning, soft computing, and mathematical analysis


+Hierarchical ClusteringAn agglomerative approach that groups similar data points into clusters based on their proximity
+Partitional ClusteringDivisive method (e.g., k-means) that partitions data into distinct clusters
+Bayesian ClassificationProbabilistic approach to classification based on Bayes’ theorem
+Decision TreesTree-based model for classification
+Neural NetworksDeep learning models for complex patterns
+Rule-based ClassificationUtilizes rules (e.g., via Drools) to classify data
+Collaborative FilteringRecommends items based on user preferences and similar users
+Content-based FilteringSuggests items based on their content features
+PageRank SearchMeasures the importance of web pages in a network
+DocRank SearchRanks documents based on relevance




System Requirements

Not available, but we appreciate help! You can help us improve this page by contacting us.


Not available, but we appreciate help! You can help us improve this page by contacting us.


H Marmanis

Written in


Initial Release

17 January 2009